Top Ten Characters Whose Job I Wish I Had

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week, she posts an idea relating to books and encourages other book bloggers to respond with their own top ten lists.

This week’s topic is “top ten characters whose job I wish I had.” Until now, I didn’t realize how many books I read where either the protagonist was in school (which I don’t plan to go back to, now that I’m finished my post-graduate studies) or trying to save the world from evil (which I don’t quite think I’m up for!)… but here are 10 characters’ jobs that I think I would enjoy.

Traditional Jobs

Vada in More Than Maybe
I’m constantly searching out new, underground artists to listen to and spend so much time going to concerts, so if I didn’t already have a book blog, I’d definitely have a music blog by now. From working at a local venue and covering indie artists to securing a Rolling Stone internship, Vada’s career trajectory is everything I’d want.

Jack in Tweet Cute
This might be cheating, since I am already a social media coordinator for a fairly large, established company. It would be so much fun to run the social media of a smaller mom-and-pop company, though, especially if you could inject as much personality into it as Jack did!

January in Beach Read
I love reading romance novels. I also enjoy writing, but haven’t done much of it lately – I used to write a lot of fanfic, though! I don’t know if I’d be a good romance writer, but I do have some story ideas that I’d love to work on.

Alex in Red, White & Royal Blue
I heavily follow politics, but have no desire to ever run for office. A political staffer seems like a good middle ground: you’re able to help shape policies that truly can help people, but without being the main “face” on the campaign trail.

Lucy in The Hating Game
Yes, this is partially because of the enemies-to-lovers office romance… but also because she works as an executive assistant for a publishing house.

Non-Traditional Jobs

Celia in The Night Circus
It would be so neat to conceive of all of those incredibly intricate illusions, and then get to see the crowd’s reactions immediate to them. Plus, she has a pretty interesting “workplace romance” of sorts that I would be very okay with having.

Gansey in The Raven Boys
This is more of a hobby than a job… but still! Who could say no to traveling the world in search of a long-lost Welsh King and finding the most fiercely loving friend group in the process?

Thea in A Golden Fury
I did my undergrad in molecular biology and spent so much time in the lab. Alchemy seems like the type of ambitious lab experiment that I love, aside from the fact that creating the Philosopher’s Stone can cause a descent into madness…

Evie in Lair of Dreams
I would definitely take her job as America’s Sweetheart Seer – reading objects on air and giving grieving loved ones closure would be really fulfilling, even if some of those objects might be a little spooky. I wouldn’t want the hunting murderous ghosts part of her life, though!

Ismae in Grave Mercy
When I binged this series, I loved all of the political intrigue and wanted to know everything about the training to be Death’s handmaiden. I’m sure I’d have some moral qualms about the assassin portion of the role, but if it saves my country and leads to true love, who am I to question that?

Which characters’ jobs would you love to have or try?

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