Most Recent Additions to My Book Collection

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week, she posts an idea relating to books and encourages other book bloggers to respond with their own top ten lists.

This week’s topic is “top ten most recent additions to my book collection.” I’ve been trying really hard not to buy new books, so I’m going to cheat here a little bit and include bookish objects that also go on my bookshelves.

The Books:

Only a Monster by Vanessa Len
This ARC just arrived this week (thanks to HCC Frenzy!) and I can’t wait to dive into it – I love morally grey characters/anti-heroes!

ExtraOrdinary by V.E. Schwab
I still haven’t unboxed this yet, even though it has been waiting for me since came back from the Christmas holidays. But I am extremely excited to open and read it since Vicious is one of my all-time favourite books.

We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
I found this in the fall at a used bookstore in my neighbourhood (and naturally made a TikTok about it), fully intending for it to be my Halloween read. And yet, it remains unopened.

All These Bodies by Kendare Blake
I haven’t read a vampire book in ages, but this one sounds really neat!

Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat
This was recommended to me so many times in the fall. I’ve heard it has morally grey characters, twists you don’t see coming, and excellent world building.

The Book-Adjacent:

Enamel pins
I love enamel pins, and these bookish ones were too cute to pass up! I will be adorning both my jean jackets and my tote bags with these.

+ an iPad
I wanted to read more ebooks but didn’t like using my phone as one, since the screen was a little too small and I would get distracted by the 25932 apps and text threads on there. Hopefully I can start using Libby more now!

What are the most recent additions to your bookshelves?

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