Top Ten Boarding School Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week, she posts an idea relating to books and encourages other book bloggers to respond with their own top ten lists.

This week’s topic is a back-to-school freebie so I picked ten of my favourite boarding school books/series.

  1. Harry Potter series
  2. Gemma Doyle trilogy
  3. Anna and the French Kiss
  4. The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
  5. The Magicians series
  6. The Austere Academy
  7. The Name of the Star
  8. The Liar Society
  9. Etiquette and Espionage
  10. The School for Good and Evil

Do you like boarding school books? What are some of your favourites? Leave me a list or a link to your TTT post below.

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