Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week, she posts an idea relating to books and encourages other book bloggers to respond with their own top ten lists.
This week’s topic is “top ten books I want to read again.” I don’t reread books often, since my TBR is terrifyingly long, but here are 10 of the ones that I’m hoping to reread in the next year or so.

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
I read The Starless Sea as soon as it came out, and I adored it. It was so much fun to piece together all of the interconnected stories, so I’m curious to see what I missed out on during the first read.
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
I’m hoping to reread this before I (finally) start watching His Dark Materials. I liked the series when I was younger, but so many of the references went over my head so I think I’ll enjoy it even more now that I’m much older.
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
This was one of the first YA series that I fell in love with and I’ve been meaning to reread it for years – especially now that I’ve finished The Diviners series!
Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares by David Levithan and Rachel Cohn
I’m still finishing my New Girl binge-watch, but I’ve heard that the new Dash & Lily series is very cute and need to watch it — after rereading the book first.
The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco
I really need to finish this series but I don’t remember anything that happened in the previous books, so I’m definitely due for a reread.
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
I first read this when I was on an overnight flight from Paris to Toronto, and I was completely exhausted while reading it. I’d love to read it when I’m in a less sleepy/more relaxed state!
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab
Yes, I did just finish this a month ago. Yes, I do already need to read it again.
Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr
This was my favourite faery book for years and I’d love to see if it’s still as dark and enthralling as I remembered.
Notes on a Nervous Planet by Matt Haig
I read this last year and it really resonated with me. I’ve been really burned out over the last month or so, from both the pandemic and from work, and I feel like I need to hear his advice about intentional social media usage again.
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
I wasn’t able to visit Paris again this year, so this sweet story (and the charming Étienne) is exactly what I need right now. It’s the perfect comfort read.
What books do you want to reread? Do you have any you’d recommend to me?
I agree. I don’t like to “waste time” re-reading when there are so many books out there that I haven’t read yet. I’ve only read one of your picks, for example, so I still have a lot of reading to do 🙂
Happy TTT!
Yes! I feel a little guilty when I reread a book instead of prioritizing a new release… there are just so many books out there!
I hope you find time to reread all of these books soon!
My post.
Lydia recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want to Read Again
Thanks, Lydia! Happy reading!
Addie LaRue is such a gorgeous story, one of my favourites of this year! I don’t reread much either, I used to when I was younger, but since I started blogging, I just don’t have the time.
Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #292
I’m so glad you loved Addie LaRue!
I ‘ve included one of Matt Haig’s books on my list as well, so I ‘m definitely interested in reading Notes on a Nervous Planet! Highly recommend The Hating Game if you haven’t read it yet, as well as The Happy Ever After Playlist, in case you haven’t read them yet! They ‘re really fun and quick reads that I wouldn’t hesitate rereading myself!
Elena @ Book Lady’s Reviews recently posted…Top Ten Books I’d Read Again {Top Ten Tuesday}
I definitely recommend Notes on a Nervous Planet. The Happy Ever After Playlist sounds like a very cute read – I’ll add it to my TBR!
I really enjoyed watching Dash & Lily’s Book so I’m thinking of reading it! Oh, Anna and the French Kiss, it’s been so long! I’ll reread that one as well!
Here’s my post
Priyanka @ A Booklion’s Hideaway recently posted…TOP TEN TUESDAY | BOOKS I WANT TO READ AGAIN
I definitely recommend rereading Anna and the French Kiss. I’m so glad you loved the Dash & Lily series – it looks so sweet!
I’m waiting for Addie LaRue to arrive and I can’t wait! I’ve heard such good things!
Shaunna x
My TTT post
I hope you enjoy it – it’s one of my favourite books of the year!
Oh, I loved The Bone Witch. I definitely wouldn’t mind reading that one again!
It’d be so much fun to reread!