Friday Finds is a weekly event hosted by Should Be Reading, where you discuss books that you’ve discovered and added to your to-read list over the course of the week. These books don’t have to be ones that you’ve purchased – they can be books that you’ve borrowed, found online, heard about from a friend, etc. As always,...
On Recommendations and Rejection
Yesterday was Boxing Day in Canada, which means that I received a lot of texts/messages that went a bit like this: “Erin, I have all these Chapters gift cards and I don’t know which books to spend them on! Any suggestions?” or this: “Since I’m going away on co-op next term, I’ll have a lot of free time...
Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing Me
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week, she posts an idea relating to books and encourages other book bloggers to respond with their own top ten lists. This week’s topic is “top ten books I wouldn’t mind Santa bringing me.” This is a list I actually make every...
First Reads Reading Challenge
Think about your favourite author for a minute. If you’re anything like me, the thought of reading their newest book fills you with a warm, fuzzy, excited feeling. Now, try to remember that feeling you got when you first picked up one of their books – and, more importantly, that feeling of awe when you finished reading it...
Book Review: All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
“You have to kill him.” Imprisoned in the heart of a secret military base, Em has nothing except the voice of the boy in the cell next door and the list of instructions she finds taped inside the drain. Only Em can complete the final instruction. She’s tried everything to prevent the creation of a time machine that...
I Read Banned Books
As many of you know, September 22-28 is Banned Books Week: a week where readers come together and celebrate the freedom to read and express ideas. I’m so thankful that I grew up with parents who cultivated and encouraged my love of reading from a young age, and that they never sought to limit the types of books...
ARC Review: Deceived by Julie Anne Lindsey
When Elle’s father, a single parent and a big shot in corporate insurance, moves her to yet another boarding school for senior year, Elle is disgusted when nothing changes. Her night terrors don’t go away, and, soon, despite her father’s caring calls and visits, Elle starts to believe she’s losing her mind. She knows she’s being followed; a...
Friday Finds (September 13)
Friday Finds is a weekly event hosted by Should Be Reading, where you discuss books that you’ve discovered and added to your to-read list over the course of the week. These books don’t have to be ones that you’ve purchased – they can be books that you’ve borrowed, found online, heard about from a friend, etc. As always,...
Friday Finds (August 6)
Friday Finds is a weekly event hosted by Should Be Reading, where you discuss books that you’ve discovered and added to your to-read list over the course of the week. These books don’t have to be ones that you’ve purchased – they can be books that you’ve borrowed, found online, heard about from a friend, etc. As always,...
Summer Book Haul
I start school next Monday (and I move in tomorrow, which is an equally terrifying thought!), which means that my summer vacation is over. This summer, I volunteered at my local hospital, attended the Gentlemen of the Road stopover in Simcoe, and read. A lot. I meant to do July and August wrap-up posts including my book hauls...