I genuinely don’t know where the time (and the summer!) has gone. It’s slightly terrifying that it’s September already, but I’m ridiculously excited to put all of my sneakers away and start wearing Docs and cozy cardigans again.
Reading Progress
I was a little burned out in August, but I somehow managed to read 6 books. Three of these were library copies, four were backlist titles, and and three were re-reads (I was much overdue for a Shades of Magic binge, even though I was definitely not emotionally prepared for it). As a result, I’m slightly ahead of my Goodreads challenge, which is a really nice feeling!
- Call Down the Hawk | 4 stars | I liked this, but it just wasn’t quite as magical as The Raven Boys
- Girl, Serpent, Thorn | 4 stars | A refreshingly new fairy tale filled with morally grey characters; I wish it was part of a series, instead of a standalone

Other Posts
- I wrote about the books I loved but haven’t reviewed (yet)
- I started posting on Instagram again! (Yes, this is a shameless plug to follow me)
Favourites from Around the Blogosphere
- Mary at Forever and Everly shared her reading spreadsheet – I wish I was half this organized!
- Frolic revealed the cover for Act Your Age, Eve Brown and it is SO cute! I need this book in my life.
- Sasha and Amber compiled a list of sapphic books releasing in 2021
- Sara at Lyrical Reads recommended books based on phrases from a random generator (which is such a fun idea!)
Winding Down
What were some of your favourite books/posts/moments from August? And what do you have planned for September? Let me know in the comments below.