Top Ten Books On My Summer 2020 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week, she posts an idea relating to books and encourages other book bloggers to respond with their own top ten lists.

This week’s topic is β€œTop Ten Books On My Summer TBR.” It’s getting very hot here in Toronto, Ontario so it definitely feels like summer is here to stay. Here are ten books that would be on my “beach reads” list for this year.

Beach Read by Emily Henry
This is very aptly named! An opposites-attract romance between authors sounds like a sweet, fun read – the perfect companion for a day at the beach.

More Than Maybe by Erin Hahn
As someone who spends way too much money on concerts in a year, there’s no way I could say no to a romance between a music blogger and a reluctant musician. Early reviews make it seem like a heartwarming read.

Mayhem by Estelle Laure
I have an ARC of this that I really need to get to! Described as a “YA feminist mash up inspired by The Lost Boys and The Craft,” this promises to be a very engaging read.

Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Everyone I know has read and loved this, and now that there’s going to be a movie adaptation, I really need to pick it up.

Scott Pilgrim vs the World by Bryan Lee O’Malley
I’ve watched the movie a million times, and in honour of its 10th anniversary in August, I’m finally going to read the books that it was based on. I read the first volume and enjoyed it, so I can’t wait to see where they diverge from the film.

American Royals by Katharine McGee
I love the Royal Family. I’ve heard that American Royals is filled with drama and scandal, all of which makes for a perfectly entertaining read.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
I finally watched Greta Gerwig’s adaptation of this, which was perfect and made me cry on several occasions, and I feel slightly guilty that I haven’t read the source material yet. Hopefully this year will be the year that I get around to it!

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
Did I need another Hunger Games book? No. But I will definitely pick this up, since I am a completionist at heart.

Again, Again by E. Lockhart
I enjoyed both The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks and We Were Liars, so when I heard that E. Lockhart was writing a new book, it quickly found itself on my TBR. I’ve heard that this is wistful and bittersweet – my favourite kind of read.

Where Dreams Descend by Janelle Angeles
The synopsis for this reminded me a lot of The Night Circus, and it’s also described as Phantom of the Opera meets Moulin Rouge. Suffice to say, I desperately need this book in my life.

Which books are on your summer TBR? Have you read any of the ones on my list?

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