In an effort to read more, and more diversely, I joined two reading challenges along with my usual Goodreads challenge. Since it’s halfway through the year now (even though it still feels like it’s April!), I thought now would be a good point to check in and see if I’m on track to meet these goals.
I challenged myself to read a total of 50 books this year in the Goodreads Reading Challenge. This was slightly ambitious, since I rarely read a book a week anymore, but somehow I’m on track to meet it with a total of 22 books read so far.

The Beat the Backlist Challenge is hosted by NovelKnight and challenges readers to read books that were published in 2019 or earlier. I challenged myself to read at least 25 backlist titles that I hadn’t already read, with no more than 5 rereads.
So far, I’ve read 12 backlist titles and only one of these was a reread! Most of these titles were published in 2019, since I was awful at keeping up with new releases last year, and the earliest was published in 2011.

The Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge is hosted by Andi’s ABCs and challenges readers to read as many contemporary romance novels as they want. I challenged myself to read 11-15 contemporary romance novels that I haven’t already read.
So far, I’ve read 5 contemporary romance novels, and almost all of these were backlist titles. I’m not quite on track to meet my goal, so hopefully the next few holds that come in are contemporaries!
Have you entered any reading challenges this year? How’s your progress so far?