Top Ten Bookish Websites

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week, she posts an idea relating to books and encourages other book bloggers to respond with their own top ten lists.

This week’s topic is “top ten favourite book blogs/bookish websites.” I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t visit as many blogs as I’d like but I do frequent the following book-related sites:

1. Kitchener Public Library website
As someone who is perpetually on a book buying ban, almost all of the books that I read come from my local library. I visit the KPL website for more than just browsing through the catalogue, requesting holds, and placing order requests, though; I love checking out the events that they host, from movie nights to coding lessons.

2. Overdrive
Since graduating from university, my iPad has been devoted solely to use as an e-reader. I love using Overdrive to request books from my local library (and even my one back home; gotta go where the hold waiting lists are short!).

3. Goodreads
I spend just about as much time on Goodreads as I do actually reading. Without it, I wouldn’t be quite as organized: its shelves help me keep track of my ridiculously long to-read list and the books that I own; my friends’ reviews help me prioritize future reads; its reading challenge provides the external pressure I need to pick up a book instead of curling up with yet another Netflix show. Feel free to add me as a friend here ☺️

4. The Recaptains
Although I have mostly given up on reading series, there’s always the occasional sequel for which I’ll make an exception. Of course, I often can’t remember everything that happened in previous books which is why I love The Recaptains’ wonderful recaps – they’re much more detailed than other synopses that I’ve come across.

5. What Should I Read Next?
I can be very indecisive when it comes to choosing my next read – which is why I’m so glad this site exists. You just type in the name of a book that you love (or the author, or the ISBN) and it recommends similar books.

6. BookBub
BookBub is excellent for readers like myself who are on a budget. Although its daily emails can be a bit much, I do love being kept up-to-date with all of the e-book deals. After all, who doesn’t like free e-books?

7. Out of Print Clothing
I’m obsessed with everything on this site and would happily spend all of my money on their bookish tees. I splurged on The Little Prince, Hyperbole and Doppelganger shirts about a year ago and have been wanting to add another to my collection ever since.

8. Litographs
Cute clothing and posters made completely out of words/book titles. I want everything in their store.

9. Book/Shop
Bookish related accessories, home decor, and even home library furniture. I can’t wait until I actually own a home, instead of renting, and can fill it with all of these gorgeous items.

10. The Book Depository
Although I am on a book buying ban, I love browsing The Book Depository – especially for prettier-covered international editions of books.

What are some of your favourite bookish sites and book blogs? Leave me a list or a link to your Top Ten Tuesday post below.

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