ARC August: Update #1

The first full week of August is drawing to a close, so I thought I’d update you all on my ARC August progress.

Despite my self-imposed requesting ban, I currently have more ARCs to read than I initially thought I would — between review requests, NetGalley approvals, and First Reads wins, my list just keeps on growing. I’ve been updating the original post as I finish/add ARCs, so if you’re interested you can take a look here.

So far, I have read the following ARCs. If you’re interested, you can click on the cover image to be taken to my reviews.

I’m not sure which ARC I’m going to read next, but hopefully I’ll be able to ignore all of the pretty library books that I have piled up around my house long enough to decide!

If you’re participating in ARC August, leave me a link to your update so that I can check out your progress.

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